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Thomas老师是一位对数字和古代符号有极大兴趣且精通于统计数据命理的著名命理学家。他的痴迷让他得出了许多重大发现,包括提升推理方法及提高生活本质的技术和理论。 2009年,他在新加坡创立了LifeQuest数字学院,并为来自马来西亚、中国、台湾、印度尼西亚和英国等世界各地的9,000多名学生提供了积极影响。他坚信“数字玄学”不仅是我们了解和描述一个人的工具,而且在发现有关一个人的未来及其发展之路的信息方面也发挥着重要的作用。” Thomas老师也是亚洲首个获得“国际玄数协会”(英国一间享有盛誉的机构)顾问会员头衔的人士,并兼任该机构的理事会成员。 

Master Thomas Chiam is a renowned and accomplished numerologist with a strong interest in ancient symbols and numbers. His obsession has led him to great discoveries including techniques and theories that enrich the lines of reasoning, as well as the essence of life itself. In 2009, he founded LifeQuest Academy in Singapore and has impacted over 9,000 students from all over the world, including Malaysia, China, Taiwan, Indonesia and the United Kingdom. He strongly believes that “Numerology Birth Date Decode isn’t just a tool for us to understand and describe people, but also a severely useful tool to realize important information about one’s future and path.” Master Thomas Chiam is also the first in Asia to be awarded the prestigious ‘Internationale de Numerologues’ (UK) consultant member title, where he also sits as one of the bodies of the council.

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