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The Black Pyramid in Egypt 埃及黑金字塔

egypt pyramid 金字塔

The Black Pyramid in Egypt 埃及黑金字塔

Egypt Museum 2018年在充满能量的埃及博物馆 

The Black Pyramid of Dahshur was the first pyramid built by Amenemhat III
黑金字塔(英語:Black Pyramid)也稱為阿蒙涅姆赫特三世金字塔(Pyramid of Amenemhat III)是位於埃及代赫舒爾的一座金字塔,為埃及第十二王朝法老阿蒙涅姆赫特三世所建造的首座金字塔,雖然是一座真金字塔,不過現在已經崩塌了,只剩下核心部分。

True pyramids (at least the larger ones), as opposed to step pyramids in Egypt were topped by a special stone called a pyramidion, or sometimes a capstone, which was itself a miniature pyramid


Black granite pyramidion


埃及博物馆的中庭摆满了大小不一的考古文物 ( 以下博物馆照片取自 - Jamin翀仔Blog)


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